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Kasutaja kommentaare
  1. Pikk Õhuke tagasi Looduslik talje Rida Ametlik Pits Pulmakleit

    Wow, I am so satisfied with this pretty dress. It is even more gorgeous than the picture shows and it is really what I have been looking for. I cannot wait to wear it on my wedding day. Many thanks.

    Arvustaja : Poolt Wylde Walker Kuupäev : Aug 30, 2024

  2. Sweep rongi müük T-särk Lihtne Pikk Backless Pulmakleit

    i was surprised how quickly i received this, it was earlier than expected. Love everything about the dress, i made the right decision to pick this!!!! very happy

    Arvustaja : Poolt Walton Alexander Kuupäev : Jul 28, 2024

  3. Looduslik talje Pikkade varrukatega Sweep rongi Ametlik Õhuke tagasi Pulmakleit

    Hello, I just received my dress and I am very satisfied with the work and the quality of the dress is very good. The fabrics are pretty and unbeatable value for money.

    Arvustaja : Poolt Julia Baker Kuupäev : Jul 28, 2024

  4. Pikk Õhuke tagasi Looduslik talje Rida Ametlik Pits Pulmakleit

    I love the dress, I had you custom made with my measurements and you all did it perfectly!

    Arvustaja : Poolt Clara Turner Kuupäev : Jul 27, 2024

  5. Pikk Õhuke tagasi Looduslik talje Rida Ametlik Pits Pulmakleit

    Thank you for the wonderful dress! It was a significant part of my perfect wedding. Thanks a lot!

    Arvustaja : Poolt Petty Robertson Kuupäev : May 23, 2024

  6. Asümmeetriline Draped Väljas Õlad Romantiline Sügisel Müük Pulmakleidid

    Very pleased with product absolutely beautiful for great price! Also excellent shipping and processing time.

    Arvustaja : Poolt Gallup Anderson Kuupäev : May 08, 2024

  7. Pikk Õhuke tagasi Looduslik talje Rida Ametlik Pits Pulmakleit

    The dress arrived on time & was a great fit. Absolutely no complaints. I love my dress!!!

    Arvustaja : Poolt Stone Sanchez Kuupäev : Mar 27, 2024

  8. Keskmine Pikkade varrukatega Satiin T-särk Kondoomid Väljas Pulmakleit

    The dress itself was pretty, but it wasn't true to size. I thought about having it altered, after it is back, it is perfect. I love it!!!

    Arvustaja : Poolt Berkeley Peterson Kuupäev : Mar 04, 2024

  9. Looduslik talje Sweep rongi Sügisel T-särk Rida Lihtne Pulmakleit

    Loved this dress. Had to take it back to the tailor after ordering it with my measurements (though I didn't mind). Train was flowing beautifully. Personally I didn't like the low neckline but that's just me. If you have a nice bust you will come to love the neckline.

    Arvustaja : Poolt Hewlett Grant Kuupäev : Feb 28, 2024

  10. Asümmeetriline Draped Väljas Õlad Romantiline Sügisel Müük Pulmakleidid

    We are very pleased with the dress. It is beautiful same as picture

    Arvustaja : Poolt Margery Macdonald Kuupäev : Feb 03, 2024

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