Vartotojo apžvalgos
  1. Brangakmenis Iliuzija rankovėmis Linija Gamtos juosmens Aplikacijos Paprastas Vestuvinės suknelė

    The size is exact and this was my first satisfaction. The fabric of the top is soft and wears very well. The strings behind the back embellish the dress. The tulle skirt is very wide and the length is perfect. I made a great choice. Punctual delivery with time forecasts.

    Recenzentas : Iki Francis Cook Data : Oct 12, 2023

  2. V-kaklo Puoštas Imperija Pusę rankovėmis Imperijos juosmens Tiulis Vestuvinė suknelė

    My dress is so pretty and exactly as I requested. It was a special design from a picture I pulled off Google. She made my needed adjustments based on what I said has it to me in no time considering the custom nature and detailed work she has to deal with. I'll be ordering something else soon.

    Recenzentas : Iki Mill Lopez Data : Sep 11, 2023

  3. V-kaklo Puoštas Imperija Pusę rankovėmis Imperijos juosmens Tiulis Vestuvinė suknelė

    beautiful dress, even nicer than in the photos I can't wait to wear it next month

    Recenzentas : Iki Bill Carter Data : Feb 28, 2023

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