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  1. Vestido de casamento Beach Trem da varredura De chiffon Império Elegante Transparente

    The dress is beautiful and as I imagined. It was tailor-made for me and I am very satisfied with the result. Everything was made as I wished. You can tell from the beginning that you have to deal with professional tailors. The production and delivery time were not exceeded. I can recommend it.

    Revisor : Por Sharp Parker Data : Sep 05, 2024

  2. Vestido de casamento Beach Trem da varredura De chiffon Império Elegante Transparente

    This dress is great! I got mine custom fitted so it took around 2 weeks to prepare. What I really love was how the dress got here within 6 days of it being shipped out. great company definitely would recommend

    Revisor : Por Meg Ferguson Data : Sep 05, 2024

  3. Vestido de casamento Beach Trem da varredura De chiffon Império Elegante Transparente

    It came on so happy for the dress.i custom size it but still came a little big.not a problem glad that i found this site.

    Revisor : Por Hoyle Reid Data : Jul 18, 2024

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