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  1. Saia de casamento Tule Manga curta Igreja Ate acima Natural Trem real

    Good evening !!!!! Thank you very much for the dress, it is much more beautiful than I expected!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much for everything !!!!!!!!

    Revisor : Por Child Cooper Data : Jun 06, 2022

  2. Saia de casamento Tule Manga curta Igreja Ate acima Natural Trem real

    So after many stressful wedding dress shopping ventures and still being undecided I kept coming back to this dress. My mother also had her eye on one of allgown mother of bride dress so we decided to order together. Our dresses arrived within 3 weeks and we were both very happy with the quality of our dresses. On top of that allgown also threw in a bag of beading upon my request. My wedding is 2 months away i cannot wait to walk down the isle in this dress. So in love with it. Thanks allgown !

    Revisor : Por Christian Gray Data : Apr 05, 2022

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