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  1. Vestir de casamento Sem Costas Elegante Salão Drapeado Formato A Até o chão

    Got the dress custom made and received within 2 weeks. Very well made. My wedding is in August. I'm around a size 8 But still ordered custom to get my exact measurements adjusted to fit perfectly. Very happy.2 th wedding. Very different from my others. It will make you feel like a disney princess. pay extra for custom made.

    Revisor : Por Trollpoe Thomson Data : Sep 04, 2024

  2. Saia de casamento Inverno Romântico Sem magas Trem da capela Ao ar livre Natural

    This wedding dress fit great, and looked stunning. I think its price is unbelievable, absolutely over-due.. I love its design and fabric, and my honey flipped when he saw me in it. I love it! highly recommend!

    Revisor : Por Attlee Miller Data : Jul 03, 2023

  3. Saia de casamento Inverno Romântico Sem magas Trem da capela Ao ar livre Natural

    Acabei de comprar o meu recentemente e experimentei uma vez e é simplesmente lindo! Os materiais são ótimos, a silhueta é incrível, deixa o seu bumbum super sexy. Eu amo isso!

    Revisor : Por Conan Butler Data : Mar 08, 2021

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