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  1. Vestidos de casamento Venda Simples Trem da varredura Longo T-shirt Sem Costas

    i was surprised how quickly i received this, it was earlier than expected. Love everything about the dress, i made the right decision to pick this!!!! very happy

    Revisor : Por Bowen Cox Data : Jul 28, 2024

  2. Vestir de casamento Inverno Botão Elegante Natural Ao ar livre Off The Shoulder

    perfect fit to size measurements and great quality!

    Revisor : Por Forster Stewart Data : Apr 17, 2024

  3. Vestir de casamento Inverno Botão Elegante Natural Ao ar livre Off The Shoulder

    I love this dress. Beautiful made! My friends thought I bought it from the bridal store.

    Revisor : Por Jacob Johnson Data : Apr 17, 2024

  4. Vestido de casamento Simples Formato A Natural Camiseta Trem da varredura Outono

    Loved this dress. Had to take it back to the tailor after ordering it with my measurements (though I didn't mind). Train was flowing beautifully. Personally I didn't like the low neckline but that's just me. If you have a nice bust you will come to love the neckline.

    Revisor : Por Effie Watson Data : Feb 28, 2024

  5. Vestidos de casamento Venda Simples Trem da varredura Longo T-shirt Sem Costas

    I ordered this dress for my wedding in October. I am going to give a full review when I receive it. So far so good. Just hope it comes in on time.

    Revisor : Por Kelvin Robinson Data : Aug 21, 2023

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