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  1. Vestir de casamento Formato A Comprimento do chá Decote quadrado Manga lanterna Simples Arco

    The dress overall is lovely and extremely well made. I love your clothes and the quality you offer. Many thanks for the gorgeous dress.

    Revisor : Por Irving James Data : Mar 31, 2023

  2. Vestido de casamento Longo Império Trem da varredura Ate acima Applique Verão

    This dress is absolutely beautiful!! The fabric is not cheap or see through material. The details and lace are amazing. You can tell this was made with lots of care. I am 5’1” and the dress hits me at my feet which is perfect! I was scared it would be too long. Thank you for the great customer service!

    Revisor : Por Gresham Carter Data : Feb 01, 2023

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