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  1. Vestido de casamento Triângulo Invertido Longo Formato A Inverno Natural Applique

    I received the dress within around two weeks of ordering. I'm quite impressed with the quality of the dress considering the value! It is slightly tight for me around the chest area. I went with the measurements in the size chart but I could have mis-measured myself so I recommend getting a friend who knows how to sew to measure you.

    Revisor : Por Katrine Lopez Data : Jul 21, 2024

  2. Vestir de casamento vintage Mangas tampadas Formato A Off The Shoulder Renda Natural

    So after many stressful wedding dress shopping ventures and still being undecided I kept coming back to this dress. My mother also had her eye on one of mother of bride dress so we decided to order together. Our dresses arrived within 3 weeks and we were both very happy with the quality of our dresses. My wedding is 2 months away i cannot wait to walk down the isle in this dress. So in love with it. Thanks you !

    Revisor : Por Malachi Wilson Data : Jun 27, 2024

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