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  1. Vestido de coquetel Manga curta Drapeado vestido Bainha Primavera Mangas tampadas

    I was really impressed with everything about this company & I will be ordering from them again!

    Revisor : Por Trollpoe Hunter Data : Jul 04, 2024

  2. Vestir de coquetel Organza de Mangas tampadas Médio Plissado triângulo Sem magas Assimétrico

    The black dress was fabulous! I bought this dress for my cocktail event and was really looking forward to getting it, but was slightly disappointed with the fit. The dress itself is very nice and looks exactly like it does in the picture, but the bust and waist part was a bit too large for me, and I had to get the dress altered. After the alterations, I also wore a black belt with the dress and was thoroughly happy with how it turned out and got a few compliments as well :)

    Revisor : Por Gunter Parker Data : Jan 08, 2024

  3. Vestido de coquetel Sem magas Jóia Keyhole de volta Assimétrico corpete de jóias

    Love this dress! The material is so light and slimming, this dress flows nicely and it easy to wear. I am curvy through the hips and thighs and this dress accentuates my body perfectly..

    Revisor : Por Joe Washington Data : Jan 04, 2024

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