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  1. Vestido de daminha Balanço Drapeado Jóia Tule Sem magas Festa

    cumplidos El vestido llegó hoy. Cae como un cepillo. ¡Tengo tantos camareros para tenerlo, pero refleja perfectamente la imagen! !!! Las telas utilizadas también son preciosas. ¡Muchos gracias! !!!Compliments. Dress arrived today. It falls like a brush. I have so many waiters to have it, but it perfectly reflects the picture! !!! The fabrics used are also beautiful. Thank you very much! !!!

    Revisor : Por Ford Gonzales Data : Aug 28, 2022

  2. Vestido de daminha Balanço Drapeado Jóia Tule Sem magas Festa

    The dress is so adorable. It is more white than what the picture portrays, but I read that on a review and that is what I was expecting and wanting, so it is perfect! It shipped really fast, and no problems with it at all. I cant wait to see my daughter wear it at our wedding!

    Revisor : Por Morrison Scott Data : Apr 25, 2022

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