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Comentários do usuário
  1. Vestido de noite V-garganta profunda Natural Formato A Sem magas Até o chão Elegante

    I ask a dress of your site and today I have it. First I have to say well done for your perfect creation. Then from the beginning of my order I had a very nice and clearly communication with you and a very good information about my dress. Every single day I had a message from the courier company to inform me about my order and when exactly I will receive my packet. The dress is better than what I expected! Congratulations and of course I will suggest you in every one that need something special. Thanks for all

    Revisor : Por Marion Edwards Data : Aug 02, 2024

  2. Vestir de noite Renda Trem da capela Formato A Formal Festa Decote V

    When the package arrived my home, the box of the dress is a little broken. Fortunately the dress is fine. I try the dress and it fit me well. Therefor it is a successful shopping online. at the same time, the service of website is good.

    Revisor : Por Melville Edwards Data : May 14, 2022

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