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Comentários do usuário
  1. Vestir de noite Sereia Simples Um ombro Verão Drapeado Ate acima

    I have received my dress. I love the ruffle as decoration and it looks very pretty. My friends all praised me for my dress. The quality of the dress was excellent and looked so much like the pictures. You didn't disappoint me. And I will recommend you to my friends.

    Revisor : Por Horace White Data : Aug 12, 2024

  2. Vestido de noite Pescoço assimétrico Bola Sereia Natural Cetim Sem magas

    The dress came earlier than expected and it was BEAUTIFUL. The material is great. The only thing is the dress came a little too big so I needed to get it altered

    Revisor : Por Becky Marshall Data : Aug 08, 2024

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