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  1. Vestidos de noite Venda Longo Natural Chique Alcinhas Formato A

    I bought this dress for my bridal shower party. It made me feel so glamourous! It fit perfectly, I measured myself first and fit into the normal size 10, it was well made and exactly like the pictures! I love it, Thank you allgown!

    Revisor : Por Brooke Johnson Data : Mar 14, 2024

  2. Vestidos de noite Venda Longo Natural Chique Alcinhas Formato A

    I loved this dress so much! It was comfortable, fit great and was easy to wear. I paid extra for the custom fit and it was worth it. The material was much better than I expected and the dress was fully lined. You didn't have to wear a bra with it either although I did. Great value for money. I will definitely order another dress from this company.

    Revisor : Por Isabel Long Data : Jan 21, 2024

  3. Vestidos de noite Venda Longo Natural Chique Alcinhas Formato A

    I took measurements before ordering and the dress was true to size! It is a nice material and fits like a glove. Getting really excited for the wedding now!

    Revisor : Por Sam Robertson Data : Dec 15, 2023

  4. Saia de noite Sem magas Zíper Bola corpete de jóias vestido Bainha Estrelada

    Excelente trabalho e material. As cores estão corretas e o tamanho do vestido está correto. O prazo de entrega foi cumprido. Posso altamente recomendar este vestido.

    Revisor : Por Noah Collins Data : Dec 09, 2021

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