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  1. Vestir de noite De chiffon Alta cobertura Jóia Missangas Longo Bola

    I ordered this in gold to portray the queen in our royal wedding. The gown was gorgeous and quality excellent. I just needed to get a better bra. Lol.

    Revisor : Por William MacLeod Data : Jul 18, 2024

  2. Vestido de noite Mangas soltas De chiffon Inverno Drapeado Até o chão Manga curta

    Love how this dress fits! I did a custom size. I will have to do some alterations as the bust is a bit too big, but it fits perfectly otherwise. The dress was made and shipped faster than I thought it would be. Being a plus sized girl, it was nice that I was able to get this dress made to my size. Dress is for my brother's wedding. The quality of the material is a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Would recommend ordering through this site.

    Revisor : Por Louis Hill Data : Jun 14, 2024

  3. Vestir de noite De chiffon Formato A Natural Trem da varredura Decote V Missangas

    My dress is perfect and beautiful and fits. My son is getting married and I wanted to look nice for his wedding. I am very pleased. I literally started crying when I put it on.

    Revisor : Por Bessie Scott Data : Apr 04, 2024

  4. Vestido de noite Mangas soltas De chiffon Inverno Drapeado Até o chão Manga curta

    I've tried on a lot of dresses for my brother's upcoming wedding, all $100+, and couldn't find anything I liked or fit well. I took a risk on this dress after reading the awesome reviews figuring for the price and free returns, nothing to lose. It's the dress I'm choosing for the event! So comfortable and well made and fits well. I'm 5'5, and 160 lbs and the 10 was perfect!

    Revisor : Por Noah Sanchez Data : Mar 21, 2024

  5. Vestido de noite Mangas soltas De chiffon Inverno Drapeado Até o chão Manga curta

    I was very hesitant but the dress came just as I pictured color and all. Feels well made not cheap like I was afraid.

    Revisor : Por Wallace White Data : Aug 19, 2023

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