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  1. Природни Струк једноставан фењер на отвореном шифон крушка венчаница

    Excellent! You really can not say otherwise. I have had it made to measure and given a little too big, so I can change it to the emergency or I did something wrong when measuring. The customer contact was always there, at first I was afraid not to get the dress you always read and heard a lot. But I do not regret the decision, never would I leave so much money in a store if you get such great clothes online for one day. I was then again in a tailor shop and have for 30, still something to customize. So everything was great. :)

    Приказивач : По Dunbar Johnson Датум : Jun 17, 2024

  2. дуге на отвореном без задњег дела Дееп В-Нецк Линија једноставан Венчаница

    The dress is cute and very well done! But, the sleeves are too large for me.

    Приказивач : По Jenny Phillips Датум : Apr 22, 2024

  3. дуге на отвореном без задњег дела Дееп В-Нецк Линија једноставан Венчаница

    This dress is in chiffon fabric that doesn't wrinkle so would be perfect for my travel destination wedding. feels soft and drapes well. The issue I had was the fit. upper area hung a little loose on me. I had an US 6 so sizing down would not have been an option.

    Приказивач : По Doris Allen Датум : Aug 20, 2023

  4. Спагхетти Страпс Драпед Инвертед Триангле Елегантна тил Свееп Траин венчање сукња

    Even with custom measurements, this came much faster than expected. I love the champagne color and soft material. This will be my reception dress this summer

    Приказивач : По Marcellus Thomas Датум : Apr 13, 2023

  5. Спагхетти Страпс Драпед Инвертед Триангле Елегантна тил Свееп Траин венчање сукња

    Wow this dress is absolutely beautiful!!! I got it custom made and it is a perfect fit, the material is very high quality and delivery was very quick I cannot wait to wear this on my special day!! Thank you this site

    Приказивач : По Eugen Simpson Датум : Dec 01, 2022

  6. Свееп Траин црква Природни Струк средњи драгуљ Линија Венчаница

    This website is AMAZING!!!! It was so easy to order my dress. And I received my dress soon. I am telling all my friends and family members about my shopping experience here and they will order dresses here as well!

    Приказивач : По Bright Foster Датум : Aug 03, 2022

  7. Природни Струк Дееп В-Нецк без рукава дуг пешчани сат формалан венчаница

    Pictures are very accurate to the actual dress received. It is beautiful and very comfortable. I found the bust runs a bit big but everything else is accurate. Great value and beautiful dress!

    Приказивач : По Julia Graham Датум : Jul 04, 2022

  8. Природни Струк дуг средњи Свееп Траин В-Нецк без задњег дела Венчаница

    I loved the dress I had to make alterations because I have a lot of hips and I don't stay tight but in the end it looked beautiful at my wedding

    Приказивач : По Robeson Evans Датум : Mar 09, 2022

  9. Природни Струк Дееп В-Нецк без рукава дуг пешчани сат формалан венчаница

    Haljina je bila savršena. Kvalitet materijala je dobar. Препоручујем.

    Приказивач : По Thomson Hamilton Датум : Nov 13, 2021

  10. на отвореном тил Свееп Траин средњи без рукава Природни Струк венчаница

    Каква лепа хаљина! Доплатио сам мало да га прилагодим. Мерења .. САВРШЕНО! Стигло је у временском оквиру који је назначен у мојој наредби. О овој невероватној страници немам шта да кажем осим позитивних ствари. Препоручио бих их свима који размишљају о куповини венчанице и додатака.

    Приказивач : По Albert Simmons Датум : Jun 25, 2021

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