I just got my dress and it is beautiful! This is a great company dress was as they showed it would be.
Рецензент : За Norton Stewart Дата : Jan 14, 2024
I was looking for my bridesmaids to have all different style dresses for my wedding and I choose this dress for one of them. It was a perfect fit! She absolutely LOVED it and the color was perfect. It's so hard to find hunter green dresses but we took the risk and ordered it and it was amazing! Would highly recommend this dress!
Рецензент : За Jenny Patterson Дата : Sep 16, 2023
This dress is everything we hoped it would be. The fit is exactly as described in the size chart. The quality is amazing. This is the perfect bridesmaids dress for a downtown, urban, night wedding.
Рецензент : За Pullman Phillips Дата : Jan 31, 2023
I must say I was a little nervous at first because the price. When I received it I took it out the nice bag and was still nervous as hell but when I tried it!!! Baby It fit me AMAZING!!! I'm in love!!! I wanna buy it in every color!
Рецензент : За Titus Thomas Дата : Nov 30, 2021
Я сьогодні отримав своє плаття! Мереживо справді приємне та у високій якості. Любов! Любов! Любов!
Рецензент : За Hill Mitchell Дата : Jan 27, 2021
Таке гарне плаття! Я нервував, купуючи сукню в Інтернеті, але ця сукня була дивовижною. Настільки задоволений обслуговуванням клієнтів та доставкою. Я отримав це плаття вчасно до заходу. Єдине, чого я хотів змінити, це міри, щоб зробити плаття більш приталеним, але я все ще дуже задоволений і задоволений своєю покупкою. Дякую!
Рецензент : За Fox Morgan Дата : Jan 25, 2021