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  1. Vestir de baile Elegante Maçã Sem magas Casamento Applique Alta Baixa

    This short wedding dress is quite special and cute. The lace on the upper part and the satin on the skirt part make the dress perfect and unique. I will order more dresses from you. Thank you.

    Revisor : Por Raman Grant Data : Jan 02, 2024

  2. Vestir de baile Elegante Maçã Sem magas Casamento Applique Alta Baixa

    My daughter was delighted with her prom dress fitted perfect thank you

    Revisor : Por Pater Phillips Data : Nov 06, 2023

  3. Vestir de baile Formato A Outono Decote V Chique Drapeado Ate acima

    Excellent, my order arrived in just over 3 weeks and 2 days. I love my dress. Ready to place my second order. Thank you ballgown.

    Revisor : Por Austin McDonald Data : Apr 07, 2022

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