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  1. Vestir de baile Formato A Natural Manga comprida Até o chão Transparente Médio

    I cannot believe the quality of my dress. I love it. I love it. I love it. I was a little bit hesitant to buy a dress online but, WOW, I am so glad that I did. It is so beautiful. I cant wait to wear it. The size chart that is given is exact, so if you do your measurements and use the size chart given, then you are guaranteed that it will fit. I am soooo happy. Thank you .

    Revisor : Por Sonmerfield Turner Data : Sep 05, 2024

  2. Vestir de baile Formato A Natural Manga comprida Até o chão Transparente Médio

    As others mentioned, I also was hesitant to order a wedding dress online. I received the dress however and it is beautiful. The quality and craftsmenship is just as if I bought it in a bridal store. It is beautiful! It will need minor alterations closer to but no big deal. Definitely will recommend this site to others and will buy other special occasion dresses here.

    Revisor : Por Sawyer Parker Data : Dec 08, 2022

  3. Vestido de baile Longo Transparente Festa Drapeado Manga comprida Triângulo Invertido

    I ordered this in gold to portray the queen in our royal wedding. The gown was gorgeous and quality excellent. I just needed to get a better bra. Lol.

    Revisor : Por Surrey Brooks Data : Apr 13, 2022

  4. Vestir de baile Formato A Natural Manga comprida Até o chão Transparente Médio

    O vestido é incrível. Alta qualidade. Eu sou um pouco baixa mesmo com saltos altos, então o vestido é muito longo para mim. Vou aumentar um pouco. Mas eu AMO o vestido. No entanto, não estou satisfeito com a entrega. Passou-se quase meio mês antes de receber o vestido. Eu planejo fazer o pedido no futuro. Seria bom se as promessas de entrega fossem realmente cumpridas.

    Revisor : Por Grote White Data : Mar 30, 2021

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