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  1. Vestir de baile Formato A Longo Barco pescoço Natural Primavera Manga comprida

    I was nervous about ordering my daughter's prom dress online but this dress turned out wonderful! The stitching and fabric were really good. We did the custom sizing and the length of the dress was perfect. The back of the dress at the neck was a little big so we did have our seamstress move the buttons over to make a tighter fit. My daughter wanted pockets put into the dress so they sent extra fabric so that we could have pockets put in when it arrived. I would recommend ordering from here!

    Revisor : Por Polly Bell Data : Sep 08, 2024

  2. Vestido de baile Renda Manga comprida Longo Formal Natural Zíper

    Absolutely love this dress! Had to alter the arms as they were too big but was easy to do by myself at home so no extra costs involved... Can't wait for my wedding day :)

    Revisor : Por Huggins Watson Data : Dec 12, 2023

  3. Vestir de baile Formato A Longo Barco pescoço Natural Primavera Manga comprida

    O vestido é o que foi encomendado e está de acordo com a imagem do site. Parece ser de boa qualidade. No momento, estamos fazendo as alterações necessárias.

    Revisor : Por Christ Hall Data : Apr 01, 2021

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