We love it, it made my mother look wonderful. The dress is exactly as it shows and fabric is of a lot of quality. Now I do not waste time or money !! Here we have quality guaranteed. It took the 24 days they indicated. Thanks :)
Revisor : Por Augustine Miller Data : Oct 09, 2024
Great expensive looking dress, very well made, fits perfectly, came early. It's for my mother in law and she loved it, I could'n believe how great it fits, no modifications needed. The lace is great, definitely recommend it.
Revisor : Por Ruskin Robinson Data : Sep 14, 2024
I ordered this dress in the lilac color.When I got it I was so happy it was the exact color I was hoping for. The dress is lightweight and soft. The sizing was accurate as well.Highly recommend!
Revisor : Por Adela Hernandez Data : Mar 25, 2024
I got this for my mother and she absolutely loved it!Dress is comfortablr to wear and fits me well. Great item and speed on delivery!This service is definitely one I have recommended and will continue to recommend.
Revisor : Por Margery Green Data : Feb 09, 2023
very beautiful,very well made,loved the color,they sent me emails to let me know what was happening with the dress,we pleased with the gown. Love It. Thank You Very Much.
Revisor : Por Clarissa Henderson Data : Apr 19, 2022
I ordered this dress to wear to an upcoming class reunion and it can much faster than promised and I had it customized since my waist was not what was charted for my size. It is very well made and I love that the bra is built in already. The color is very pretty and the only thing it needs is a steam press since it was shipped in a bag. I have several more dresses that I am interested that I can wear for dinners and cruising.
Revisor : Por Meg Morrison Data : Apr 08, 2022
Este vestido é bem feito e acessível. Superou nossas expectativas. Todo mundo amou esse vestido. O vendedor foi muito profissional e rápido. Eu disse a eles quando precisava do vestido e eles se certificaram de que chegasse a tempo. Eu definitivamente recomendaria este vendedor e compraria deles novamente!
Revisor : Por Arnold Morgan Data : Jan 11, 2022
AMAR! Eu absolutamente amo o caimento deste vestido, e você não pode superar o preço! Escolhi a cor da foto e ficou como uma luva. Recebi tantos elogios e a cor ficou elegante. Obrigado.
Revisor : Por Cooke Robertson Data : Nov 26, 2021
Encomendei este vestido para usar em uma reunião de classe que se aproxima e pode muito mais rápido do que o prometido e eu o mandei personalizar, já que minha cintura não era o que estava programado para o meu tamanho. Está muito bem feito e adoro que o sutiã já esteja embutido. A cor é muito bonita e só precisa de uma prensa a vapor, já que vem em bolsa. Tenho vários outros vestidos que estou interessado, que posso usar para jantares e passeios de barco.
Revisor : Por Wilson Walker Data : Nov 26, 2021
muito linda, muito bem feita, adorei a cor, me mandaram emails para me avisar o que estava acontecendo com o vestido, ficamos satisfeitas com o vestido. Adoro. Muito obrigado.
Revisor : Por Maltz Henderson Data : Nov 23, 2021