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Відгуки користувачів
  1. природні Талія ліхтар шифон на відкритому повітрі простий груша Весільна сукня

    Excellent! You really can not say otherwise. I have had it made to measure and given a little too big, so I can change it to the emergency or I did something wrong when measuring. The customer contact was always there, at first I was afraid not to get the dress you always read and heard a lot. But I do not regret the decision, never would I leave so much money in a store if you get such great clothes online for one day. I was then again in a tailor shop and have for 30, still something to customize. So everything was great. :)

    Рецензент : За Raymond Diaz Дата : Jun 17, 2024

  2. чай Довжина ліхтар лук квадрат лінія простий Весільна сукня

    The dress overall is lovely and extremely well made. I love your clothes and the quality you offer. Many thanks for the gorgeous dress.

    Рецензент : За Wilcox Morris Дата : Mar 31, 2023

  3. блискавка вгору літо розгортки поїзд ліхтар короткі рукави шифон Весільна сукня

    I have already received my dress which is perfect. I wanted to thank you for having being able to react and help me in a very professional way. I will with pleasure recommand your website to my friends.

    Рецензент : За Van Scott Дата : Aug 11, 2022

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